Thursday, 7 April 2011

Interview - Feedback.

Here I did some interview with a variety of people who all fall under different age groups. I asked them about the opening sequence what they liked, what could be improved. Also would they go and watch the film if it was brought out at the cinema. Overall they all seemed to enjoy the opening sequence. One thing that my group and I noticed when we finished our opening was the credits and how a few of them needed to be more clear. This was one of the problems that we had with finalising our film. We had problems and lots of difficulties with Live type and once we had selected where we wanted the credits it made the transition of the credits really fast. At this stage there wasn't any thing that we could really go and do. But overall I'm happy that it has had a successful response.

As you can see from our proposed target audience our film falls under the correct category. The younger age group like it but they felt that they were to young. It was successful with the the suited target audience with 15-25 year olds. Also it was enjoyed by the older age group but the majority felt that they were too old and it was targeted more for a younger age group. So overall we were very successful with our target audience. 

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