Friday, 1 April 2011

Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?

We have looked at the film Brick for inspiration so it was only natural to take a look at its rating for viewers. It is noticeable that both males and females enjoyed this film and that they were aged between 15-25 this is a good comparison for our film that falls under the same genre that the same people would take an interest in our film.

It has also recieved good reviews on "Rotten Tomatoes" which is an online website where you can review the film and read other peoples reviews.

Here is our beginning stats and feedback for our film on you tube. Although being up only a few days it already has a comment has feedback (2 likes , 1 dislike) and is most popular with males from 13 upwards.

Here is an example of a member of my target audience.
The characteristics of my member would be:

Interested in Horror/Thriller/Drama films.
Typical Tv dramas such as; 24

Aged between 15-25.

Listen to a variety of genres of Music.

Interested in TV dramas and programmes such as "Crime Watch"

Dress casual but still be interested in fashion.

No specific race or ethinicity.

                                                       Jade: 16                         Ryan: 17

This target audience is very suitable as it includes 15-25 males that have the highest income.

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