Tuesday, 15 February 2011

15th Feb - Real Filming

Today after school Becky, Tolga, Dan, and Myself went to High Broom Woods to film the opening scene for our film, where Beth Marwolaeth is found dead on the river bank. Before we left I got changed into my costume/clothing for the part of Beth. This was a little blue and white summery dress and black ripped tights and black dolly shoes. We felt that the summery dress contrasted the unpleasant surrounding of her body. We took the camera and tripod and set up in our desired location. Becky helped me in position of the river bed and made sure that all the little details were in place; hair in the water, dress a little wet, and that I was muddy and scruffy. Whilst filming today it was raining and we really gained from this as it made the atmosphere really dull and bleak which gave our shots more mood. I really enjoyed today’s filming session because it was a really good experience. I really enjoy playing the role of Beth, as I attend a Musical theatre group and we spend much of our time improvising and doing shows I am always willing to try new ideas.
So I thought that taking the chance to play Beth was a great experience for me. Being a big fan of horror films and psychological thrillers I have always wanted to play a part within a film. So Today was my chance. I was excited about becoming the Character Beth for our film and simply laying still on the muddy bank. I feel that it went really smoothly and I’m happy that the discussed shots looked effective. We even had a passer-by that commented on what we were doing, they were very interested. At first they didn't realise that I was a real person. They commented on how it looked very good and went on their way.

Here are some stills from our filming session.

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