With my group we discussed various genres for our film. We liked the idea of a Musical as it hasn't been done before by pass media students. We liked the idea that the song play the major role within a Musical and set the mood and atmosphere. We decided that a Musical maybe would be to difficult to produce within the set brief time, as we would not only have to film our characters with all the shots and editing but would also have to compose our own music as we can't use subject matter already available due to copyright. We liked the idea of having a comedy but we did have in mind that comedy films are very difficult to write as its hard for it to be suitable for all people.
However we do really like the idea of comedy.
We played on the idea of horror, we came up with some ideas and talked about horror films that had been less successful and we focused on how we could make our ideas better. We quite like the idea of a comedy/horror for example Shaun of the Dead as this was a big hit and very successful and many people enjoyed it.
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